Chiwai Chan's Blog

These words are my own

Year: 2024

Rockit Apple payslip Analyzer with GenAI Chatbot using Bedrock and Streamlit

Problem It’s the time of year where I normally have to start doing taxes, not for myself but for my parents. Mum works at various fruit picking / packing places in Hawkes Bay throughout the year, so that means there are all sorts of Payslips from different employers for the last financial year. Occasionally mum […]

Coming soon at a desk near you…

Center – I forgot exactly what the center is, it could be any of the following ingredients: white peach syrup, roasted walnuts, strawberries and maybe blueberries. Layers – 3 to 4 layers. Size – 8 ball pool table size; subject to change, as it grows each year. Gestation period – started roughly 4 weeks ago […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Storing Historical AWS IoT Core MQTT State data in Amazon Timestream

In my code examples I shared in the past, when I sent and received IoT messages and states to and from AWS Core IoT Topics, I only implemented subscribers to react to perform a functionality when an MQTT message is received on a Topic; while that it was useful when my FurBaby was feed in […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Send and Receive MQTT messages between AWS IoT Core and your micro-controller – I am switching from Arduino CPP to MicroPython

My usual rant on what I am trying to achieve in a blog Recently I switched my Cat Feeder project’s IaC to AWS CDK in favour of increasing my focus and productivity on building and iterating, rather than constantly mucking around with infrastructure everytime I resume my project after a break; which is rare and […]

FeedMyFurBabies – Using Custom Resources in AWS CDK to create AWS IoT Core Keys and Certificates

In a previous blog I talked about switching from CloudFormation template to AWS CDK as my preference for infrastructure as code, for provisioning my AWS Core IoT resources; I mentioned at the time whilst using resources using AWS CDK, as it would improve my productivity to focus on iterating and building. Although I switched to […]

FeedMyFurBabies – I am switching to AWS CDK

I am switching to AWS CDK I have been a bit slack on this Cat Feeder IoT project for the last 12 months or so; there have been many challenges I’ve faced during that time that prevented me from materialising the ideas I had – many of them sounded a little crazy if you’ve had […]

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